Welcome to Greeney!

THE ultimate platform for entrepreneurs and aspiring entrepreneurs in Africa


Learn & Improve

Access thousands of free videos and online courses about entrepreneurship, tech, vocational training and sustainable development from top local experts


Teach & Earn

Showcase your expertise, build your community & increase your income by organizing and selling online courses in your field of expertise to a global audience


Raise & Impact

Engage communities and bring your impactful projects to life by organizing crowdfunding campaigns, collecting and accessing contributions worldwide in a click!



Leverage the power of AI-assisted learning to reinforce your knowledge and expertise in different courses and topics through our specialized conversational AI, Safia!

Greeney is what happens when tech experts, changemakers and community builders get together to change the world!

We're leveraging technology to improve access to quality education and economic opportunities for the african youth

We're tackling the unequal access to quality, contextually-relevant and ESD-focused educational resources and expertise in income generating activities (entrepreneurship and technology) & the discriminated access to economic opportunities (Especially in rural areas).

We're making it easy and straightforward for youth all over the continent to access quality educational and informational video content from local experts in a tap on a screen

We're making it even easier for young africans, living in rural and urban areas, to get their impactful projects on the map, receive contributions from people all over the world and cash out with or without a bank account!

Become our partner!

The GreenTeam!

We boast ourselves with having a great innovative, resilient and top-level team of experts in tech and ecosystem building. That's what makes us unique!

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Ouma Idrissa Baby


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Mohamed L Malet

CTO & Techlead


Contribute to improving lives for the price of a cup of coffee!

The most effective way to positively impact communities, strenghten their resilience and boost prosperity is by contributing to impact, locally led projects. Check out what you can accomplish by sparing a cup of coffee!



Happy users



Coffee Cups spared



min/user/day on Greeney



Countries reached


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