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Points are the in-app currency on Greeney. You use them to buy content, tip creators, buy tickets for E-events and all other transactions on the app. Points can be acquired through multiple ways : Watching ads, selling content, receiving tips from your supporters and recycling plastic bottles at our Kiosques. Points can also be bought using online payment solutions (Bank cards) and mobile money solutions. You can withdraw points in your local currency directly from the wallet on the app.

Creator accounts are accounts certified to be content creators on Greeney. They allow creators to have their content displayed in the marketplace, their account prioritized during content listing and gain more points through ad revenue. Creator account owners also have access to 24/7 assistance from the GreenTeam for account, content and sales management. Creator accounts can be obtained by subscribing for one on the app. It costs $100 (60 000 XOF) per year!

Greeney is tailored made to open the african market to the world. It accepts all payment methods for cash in and local mobile money solutions for cash out. Please check out the list of supported countries before performing any transactions on the platform.

A typical cash out request takes 24 hours on Greeney regardless of the target country. Due to high volumes of transactions and compliance reasons, a transaction can be delayed for 24 extra hours or more depending on the processing speed of the finance team and availability of the payment gateway provider in the target country.

Absolutely not. You can simply open an account and start selling courses on the platform. Those courses will however only be available on your account and will only be accessible through direct links sent to your customers. To have your content listed on the marketplace and make it available through search on the platform, you need to have a creator account.

If your transaction is taking too long to proceed, it may be due to several factors. You can send a mail to to draw special attention of the team to the issue.

The best way to gain the maximum amount of points on the platform is to receive tips from your followers and supporters. It is therefore crucial that you produce engaging and educative content, invite your community from other networks to join you on Greeney and sell quality courses on your field of expertise.

YeraTube became YeraMax and YeraMax became Greeney. What changed is the type of content prioritized on the platform and some minor changes on how the app works.


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